Contribution Deadline Extended to May 9th.

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May 2, 2014 by Heron Moon Press

Since we’ve had some very interesting contributions to this last prompt, but not as many as we’d like to see, we are going to extend the deadline for writing this story together to May 9th. At that point, we’ll post another prompt. Keep those creative juices flowing! And don’t forget that you can pick up directly from the prompt or add on to one of the contributions.

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Heron Moon Press

Prelude to a Story (aka Second Draft)

I sat upon the mat trying bring my focus inside both the room and myself. But my attention was steadily pulled away by the ghostly rattling of the entry’s large wooden doors and their glass panels. The wind would not agree to stay outside and rushed against all barriers trying to ambush a weak spot […]

Welcome to the Boonies

For the past year, I’ve been watching people flood from NY and Philadelphia into my area, gratefully leaving stress and illness behind. Now, yes, this has run up the cost of housing to the disadvantage of many including myself. And in some areas, visitors have been the cause of overcrowded and misused natural/recreational resources, leaving […]

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starting April 11
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